Grid parity solar power generation has been Solar Krafte's exclusive focus from inception.
We build green, benign solar farms intelligently, with scale, through contiguous build-outs, resulting in power prices that beat carbon burning generation now, and even much more so in the future.
Solar Krafte's Prairie Sunlight family of solar farms brings world class, utility-scale, solar PV to Alberta.
Rainier Solar Farm

The proposed project is sited on the north half of Section 34, Township 17, Range 15, Meridian 4, and the west halves of Section 11 and 14, Township 17, Range 15, Meridian 4, and Sections 3, 4, 9, 10 and 15, Township 17, Range 15, Meridian 4.
About the Project
The proposed Rainier Solar Farm is a 450 megawatt (MW) solar facility located on 1,100 hectares of private, Eastern Irrigation District land in the County of Newell, south west of the City of Brooks, immediately adjacent to the ATCO Newell 500 kV Substation.
On July 6, 2023, Solar Krafte sold the project to Kinbrook Solar, a wholly-owned affiliate of Diode Ventures, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Black & Veatch. Diode Ventures provides turnkey infrastructure project delivery, including feasibility analysis, development, financing and asset management, and Black & Veatch is a global engineering, construction, and consulting company with 49+ gigawatts of solar project experience. Solar Krafte is supporting Kinbrook
Solar with the development of the Project and will act as a co-applicant in the Alberta Utility Commission (“AUC”) power plant approval and substation permit and license proceeding.
The project is estimated to offset 500,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions annually, generating enough electricity to power more than 95,000 Alberta homes.
The total capital cost of the project is expected to approach $700 million, bringing an important source of direct and indirect economic activity to the County of Newell and the City of Brooks.
The project is expected to be constructed in one phase with commercial operations commencing in mid 2025 and continuing over the next 50 years and beyond.
Sited on some of southern Alberta's most heavily impacted conventional energy resource land, the project will tie directly into a 240-kilovolt open bay situated within the existing ATCO Newell Substation.

Solar Farm
Clean, renewable power without subsidies
Solar Krafte focuses solely on power generation in solar rich jurisdictions, where the price for power is not subsidized, delivering power to consumers at the best price, and without emissions or waste.
Through technological advances, and substantial global manufacturing supply increases, the cost to build a commercial scale solar power plant has dropped dramatically over the past few years. What cost us $100 million to build ten years ago, we can build today for $25 million.

The solar panels for this project will be mounted on horizontal trackers, which allow the panels to move throughout the day as the sun arcs across the sky.
Project Schedule
Notify stakeholders
November 2022 & Ongoing
File power plant application with Alberta Utilities Commission
August 2023
File development permit application with the
County of Newell
April 2024
July 2024 - June 2025
June 2025
Visual Impact
The project equipment will have a maximum height of 2.6 metres. The project will only be visible within proximity and will blend in with the horizon at distances of 100 metres and greater, allowing for minimal visual impact to the surrounding communities.
The solar panels are designed to absorb light to convert it into energy, rather than reflect it. This means there will be minimal visual impact caused by glare.
We engaged a glare hazard analyst to prepare a solar glare hazard analysis report for the project. The analyst evaluated the area within 4,000 m of the project for aerodromes and within 800 m for any other receptors. The receptors evaluated were two highways and one local road. Based on the assessment results, the analyst concluded glare from the project is not expected to present a hazard to drivers along nearby roads.
The project would result in temporary noise increases during construction but would not create any substantial permanent increase in the ambient noise levels. We anticipate little to no increase in existing noise levels during the lifetime operation of this project.
Once operational, the only source of noise will be the inverters, which are designed to operate within municipal noise standards. In any event, we locate them centrally in our systems, well away from site boundaries.
We engaged acoustic assessors to complete a noise impact assessment of the project. The assessors identified one receptor, a residential dwelling, as having the potential to be impacted by sound emitted from the proposed Project and/or cumulative sound levels. The dwelling is sited approximately 1,200 m east of the project’s east boundary. Worst case sound power levels were used to model sound emissions from the project during day and night periods. The assessors concluded that the project would operate in compliance with AUC Rule 012 requirements.
We are committed to mitigating any potential negative environmental impacts.
Our solar generators produce clean, renewable power without emissions or waste, and therefore help to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases emitted during the production of electricity.
We engaged biologists to prepare wildlife and wetland assessments of the project.
Historic Resources
There is limited potential for archaeological and palaeontological resources. We engaged an archaeologist to study the project site and pursue Historical Resources Act clearance from Arts, Culture, and Status of Women.
Community Benefits
Solar Krafte values the long-term benefits of working with the local community.
Beyond the clean, renewable power our project will produce for the residents of Alberta, without emissions or waste, the significant property tax revenue from this project will help alleviate costs of municipal services or infrastructure.
Other local economic benefits will include construction jobs, long-term operator positions, and significant, local investment into the hospitality and construction services sector.